Information meeting for future and new residents

To make it easier for all new residents of Monaco to move and become integrated, the Welcome Office is organising an information meeting in Italian on 19 January 2017 at 6.30 pm for all new and future residents of the Principality.
The aim of these meetings is to present the main information on practical life in Monaco – health, education, transport, etc., as well as information on setting up a business, including the basic principles, steps to be taken and key players.
The event will take place at the Welcome Office (9, rue du Gabian), in Italian, and is open to anyone who is in the process of moving to Monaco or intends to do so. Advance booking is required, by contacting the Service (contact details below).
To register, simply contact the Welcome Office by telephone (+377) 98 98 98 98 or by e-mail at