Jean Castellini is a Guest at a Breakfast Debate Held by the Junior Economic Chamber

On Friday 17 March, Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, took part in a Breakfast Debate organised by the Junior Economic Chamber on the theme of "The Government's Financing Tools and Support for Businesses."
Mr. Castellini, in his introduction, followed by several speakers, including Mr. Serge Pierryves, Director of the Business Development Agency and Mr. François-Xavier Leclerc of the Financing and Economic Development Division, spoke about the various measures implemented by the Government to benefit companies in the Principality: the business creation and development company SACDE (Société d'Aide à la Création et au Développement d'Entreprise); the Monegasque Fund for Innovation; the Monegasque "Eureka" Fund; support for attending trade fairs (L'Assurance Foire); help with marketing; Interest Rate Subsidies and the Guarantee Fund.
To conclude this breakfast meeting, the speakers answered questions from those present.