Summer 2017 : Government supports Sunday trading for retailers

The Sunday opening system for shops, launched by the Government in 2006, will be repeated again this year. This initiative aims to make the country more attractive in the eyes of a range of summer visitors, by offering a combination of shopping, wellbeing, fine dining and culture.
This year, Sunday opening will be in place from Sunday 9 July to Sunday 10 September, and all retailers in the Principality are invited to take part.
As in previous years, retailers have been informed by the Welcome Office of the relevant procedures, including the option of seeking reimbursement for a portion of their employers’ contributions for each Sunday they are open (up to a maximum of seven Sundays). Reimbursement will be made on condition that the business has been open on at least five Sundays, and that the necessary procedures have been completed via the Labour Inspectorate.
Retailers are reminded that they should contact the Labour Inspectorate (La Frégate, 2 rue Princesse Antoinette, 98000 Monaco) as soon as possible to request authorisation to obtain a dispensation from the Sunday rest regulations, in accordance with article 2 of Act No. 822 dated 23 June 1967 on weekly rest periods. Businesses should also indicate their preferred payment method.
Government departments (the Tourist and Convention Authority and the Government Communication Department) are supporting this initiative with a communications plan designed to publicise those shops wishing to take part. A dedicated website ( ) is now online, featuring a detailed list of all participating shops as well as restaurants and museums which are open on Sundays.
To be included on this website, please contact the Welcome Office and provide details of your opening dates and times.
Contact :
- Labour Inspectorate
Tél : +377
- Welcome Office
Tél : +377